FireIceTalon has been playing since the beginning and is likely the most experienced PvP and PvM player of Diablo. This is a graphical representation with his original descriptions of the builds he has put together. Originally listed on The Horadrim discord server. Of note: You can substitute Obsidian for Emerald in cases where you can reach MAX resists with Obsidian. For More information on PvP warrior builds, check out "WARRIOR - SETUPS" by FireIceTalon, Th0mas & Shade.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Awesome Full Plate of the Stars (Alt: Awesome Full Plate of the Lion)
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of Haste/Speed (Alt: King's Bastard Sword of Vampires)
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger (Alt: Awesome/Holy Shield of the Tiger)
Amulet: Obsidian Amulet of the Zodiac (Alt: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac)
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac (Alt: Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac)
This build is flexible between going for a very high ac build with Awesome Shield of the Tiger (or Holy Shield of the Tiger if you are lucky enough to have one), or a somewhat lower AC build but still high enough to get maximum beneficial AC vs most monsters with Emerald Shield of the Tiger. I prefer resistances on shield since this frees up a jewel slot for more mana, but for those who dont have such items or their plate has only average stats, AC on the shield slot is a great option. You can also switch back and forth between Haste and Vampires depending on monster rolls. Vampires works great on levels with Knights, Drakes, Balrogs or Witches. For mage types, Dogs, and Storm variants, a Haste/Speed weapon is recommended.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Obsidian Armor/Mail/Plate of the Stars (Alt: Obsidian Armor of the Mammoth)
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of Haste/Speed (Alt: King's Bastard Sword of Vampires)
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
LAW builds increase the challenge by opting for using low armor class, in exchange for higher mana and sometimes higher hp. LAW's rely on blocking and tactical play as opposed to just tanking damage. Nevertheless, careful play and decision making is required when opting to play this style. The challenge is especially great on levels where fast attack monsters are present, such as Maws and Storms. When playing in the catacombs or caves, this style is not recommended as it is too easy to get overwhelmed because of the terrain, and the monster types often are not low ac friendly.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Awesome Full Plate of the Lion, Obsidian Armor of the Mammoth for LAW version
Weapon: Civerb's Cudgel (with King's Bastard Sword of Vampires in inventory)
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger (Alt: Awesome/Holy Shield of the Tiger)
Amulet: Gold Amulet of the Heavens
Ring 1: Gold Ring of the Heavens
Ring 2: Gold Ring of the Heavens
CC provides a thrilling experience that takes the Warrior class damage to a whole new level. 200% damage to demons is incredible, and a fully geared level 50 warrior can do critical hits in excess of 950 damage! This means most demons are 1-2 shotted even on hell difficulty. It can be played with both high and low ac, though the latter is more conducive to the build. The primary drawback of course is that 3 gold jewels are required to utilize it, and thus the mana pool is quite low. Using offensive spells is pretty limited as a result, most of your mana will be reserved for healing and teleports. It is recommended to keep a King's Sword of Vampires handy to leech back mana as needed to keep trips to town to a minimum.
Helm: Diamond Helm of the Whale
Armor: Ruby Armor/Mail of the Whale
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of Haste/Speed
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Life/the Lion (Alt: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac)
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of Life/the Lion
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of Life/the Lion (Alt: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac)
Pretty straight forward build. Warrior seeks to maximize his hp for survival. You still get a solid mana pool too. Damage is not so important here, since you still have more than enough to cause stunlock on the Sorceror. I generally prefer to play with 2 Dragon's Lion jewels, 1 Dragon's Zodiac, though 3 Dragon's Lion is especially viable for Arch-Mages.
Helm: Royal Circlet (Alt: Obsidian Helm of the Mammoth or Sapphire Helm of the Whale)
Armor: Ruby Armor of the Whale (Alt: Obsidian Armor of the Mammoth)
Weapon: Strange Sword of Haste
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger (Alt: Awesome/Holy Shield of the Tiger)
Amulet: Gold Amulet of the Heavens (Alt: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac)
Ring 1: Gold Ring of the Heavens (Alt: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac)
Ring 2: Gold Ring of the Heavens
If the Rogue is on low AC, you can use all Zodiac jewels and King's Haste/Speed, but this is rarely the case. A Strange Sword of Haste will be required vs. any High AC Bow Rogue, and depending on the Rogue's total AC, 1-2 Gold jewelry will be necessary. I usually recommend using 2 to achieve maximum chance to hit. Max fire resistance is important as Rogue's can utilize fireball quite well. For Rogue's that have a bow with lightning damage, it will be important to max lightning resistance, and higher hp is a good idea as elemental bows can do obscene damage. Don't bother with using high AC - it is useless vs Rogues.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Awesome Full Plate of the Stars (Alt: Awesome Full Plate of the Lion)
Weapon: Strange Sword of the Heavens (Alt: Strange Sword of Haste/Slaughter)
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger (Alt: Awesome/Holy Shield of the Tiger)
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac (Alt: Obsidian Amulet of the Zodiac)
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac (Alt: Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, Gold Ring of the Heavens)
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac (Alt: Gold Ring of the Heavens)
This build is pretty straight forward, you just equip based on opponents AC. Usually, if your opponent is using Emerald Shield of the Tiger than just a Strange weapon should suffice. The minute they opt for Awesome Shield of the Tiger, 1-2 gold jewels will become necessary. This is the one duel where going high AC in PvP can be beneficial for the Warrior class, though low ac Warrior duels are also quite common as well as viable. Equipping a Heavens weapon boosts the Warrior's stats and can give them a great magic stat which allows them to use offensive spells in addition to melee in this duel. While a Haste weapon might seem more attractive at first, your opponent isn't trying to flee from you as a ranged class is so it is easy enough to create stunlock with a normal speed weapon while getting additional benefits. If your opponent is on low AC, you can opt to use a King's Sword of the Heavens for even more damage.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Obsidian Armor/Mail/Plate of Sorcery (Alt: Obsidian Armor/Mail/Plate of the Stars)
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of Haste/Speed
Shield: Garnet Shield of Brilliance (Alt: Emerald Shield of the Tiger)
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry (Alt: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac)
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry (Alt: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac)
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry (Alt: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac)
Obviously this build seeks to maximize your mana pool instead of hp. This can be alternative method to boost your survival chances if conditions are not viable for hp builds or if this style just suits your play better. Against Fireball only mages, the Garnet Brilliance shield is fine, if they use flash too however then Emerald Tiger becomes a must. Dragon's of Wizardry vs. Dragon's Zodiac comes down to preference, but I usually prefer a higher mana pool over damage, therefore I usually opt to use 2 Dragon's Wizardry with just 1 Dragon's Zodiac though any combination of these is certainly viable.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Obsidian Armor/Mail/Plate of the Stars (Alt: Obsidian Armor/Mail/Plate of Sorcery)
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of the Heavens (Alt: Strange Sword of the Heavens, Strange Sword of Haste, King's Sword of Haste)
Shield: Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Like the HP WvW build, but this one is more low ac centric since MS Warrior builds need all mana prefix in the jewelry slots. If you are good enough in WvW mechanics though, you can defeat a high ac/hp warrior with this build with little trouble. The use of MS often outshines high ac in PvP. This is usually my build of preference in WvW.
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Obsidian Armor/Mail/Plate of Precision
Weapon: Strange Sword of the Heavens (Alt: Strange Sword of Haste)
Shield: Garnet Shield of Accuracy
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of the Zodiac
Ring 1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring 2: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
This is probably the most difficult matchup for a MS Warrior. In many cases, you will have to forgo the use of a Haste weapon to get enough stats to boost your to hit while maintaining a solid mana pool. It takes great practice and experience to catch a good Bow Rogue using a non-Haste weapon.